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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  December 9, 2013 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. your season is here. let's just call it the baking time of year. you need special ingredients. you need the staples for homemade. you need safeway sugar for just a buck eighty-eight. and that magic thing that makes everyone want another only two ninety-nine for challenge butter. and when hands get messy, quite surely they'll say, yum! wow! yay! what a sweeter holiday. safeway. ingredients for life.
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this is kpix5 news. we have complete coverage.. >> here we go again, another night of bitterly cold temperatures. >> and we have complete coverage for you, first brian hackney is in the weather center. >> some places it's actually a few degrees warmer than last night. on the other hand, concord is 6 degrees cooler than it was at this hour last night. that's one indication we're
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finally bottoming out in this cooling trend. we've got freeze warnings posted throughout the bay area. the numbers will plummet tonight to 24 degrees in santa rosa, not as bad as last night's 19 degrees, 31 mountain view, 30 in san jose, 21 in fairfield. no surprise freeze warnings still in effect, probably in effect again tomorrow night for the entire bay area except san francisco will get down to the low 20s tonight. the coolest spot in the bay area as this big chill continues, but there's a silver lining behind this cloud, looks like warmer weather is on the way. our week-long affair with t kpix5's betty hu is in san jose tonight. are you freezing? >> reporter: despite this big park a and the three -- parka and the three layers underneath i am freezing out here in downtown san jose. we saw a pretty decent crowd enjoying christmas in the park and not as many folks were caught off guard by this weather, unlike last week.
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our week long affair with the cold isn't over just yet. >> players upon layers -- layers upon layers, mittens and the whole thing. >> i have a really long coat on and this scarf matching with this hat. >> reporter: for yet another night they broke out their winter gear in downtown san jose. it means big business for souvenir shop discover san jose. >> we sold out of all of our gloves, sold out probably in two days of we've sold out of a couple of our sweat shirts, our hoodies and we are selling beanies like they're going out of style. >> reporter: for those in their homes pg&e says the demand for gas is breaking records, the amount used to heat homes double what it normally sees and since six deaths are now linked to the cold, more homeless people are refusing to brave the frigid temperatures. fire at >> it scares me because i don't want to die, not that way. >> reporter: operations at south bay cold weather shelters are expected to return to normal in a few days, but for some it won't be too hard to
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make that adjustment. >> oh, no, no. my wife and i, we've been to alaska, so this is nothing. >> reporter: a lot of folks out here tonight say they welcome this kind of weather because it sure feels a lot more like christmas. it looks like these kinds of temps are sticking around for a bit longer. it's heating up in san francisco where we have breaking news, firefighters working to put out a smoky fire at a recycling center. joe vazquez is standing by with the latest of. >> reporter: there's still a tremendous amount of smoke out here and it's proving a challenge for the dozens of firefighters on the scene. we're looking out there at a warehouse called the recology pgra -- pdra which stands for public disposal and recycling area. the area on fire right now is
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100 yards long and 8 feet long, mainly construction material and could take a while to get under control. >> the sooner we can get the smoke out of the building, the sooner the we can get the big equipment in and tear the pile apart. as long as we can't get the big equipment in there and we're doing it by hand, it's going to take us a long time to put the fire out of. >> reporter: nobody has been hurt so far, no hazardous materials are believed to be believed and the chief is not sure what started the fire, but investigators are on the scene trying to find out. >> joe vazquez reporting live from san francisco, thank you. time is running out for rescue teams looking for two adults and four kids who have been missing in the bitter cold. they went to play in the snow in the remote mountains outside of reno, nevada, but have not been seen since yesterday afternoon. the children range in age from 3 to 10 years old. temperatures have been dropping as low as 16 degrees below 0.
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the one bay area thief may be the real life grinch and andria borba shows us it was all caught on camera. >> reporter: you know you can tell this much, that it's 2013 and there is nowhere safe pretty much for criminals to run these days. when you look up jerk in the dictionary, chances are you'll see this guy. according to venetia police, he also fits the definition of a criminal. between 5:00 and 7:00 this morning he busted into three cars and took everything inside. >> in one of the videos you can see him putting pressure on the pry tool and leaning into the window and snapping the window. >> reporter: as you can see, he was caught on camera but not before he added another definition to his name, grinch. one of the cars he busted into was marcy moriarti's, an oncology nurse at oakland children's hospital who had 1,500 bucks worth of toys for sick kids and their families.
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>> they would have either had to climb the window or open the door balls the presents were full into the back. -- because the presents were full into the back. >> reporter: marcy and her friends had bought christmas presents for families at oakland children's for years. she knows she shouldn't have packed the car the night before but thought the venetia neighborhood was safe. >> to see all the presents gone i was just crushed and shocked and devastated. >> reporter: the story has one more holiday twist. the same guy seen inadvertently mugging for a surveillance camera here used one of the gift cards here at a target in vallejo with a crime now caught on video not once but twice. >> technology is just a great thing for us nowadays. it could be detrimental to the criminals, but that's okay with us. >> reporter: now venetia pd says they will come to this target in vallejo tomorrow to take a closer look at that surveillance video. as for marcy and her friend, they have collected enough money to buy more presents for the kids at the oncology ward
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at oakland children's hospital and they're getting an assist from venetia pd and fire, also taking down some cash to help take care of those kids this holiday season. andria borba, kpix5. oakland police want you to keep an eye out for this suv, cops saying two guys stole it and used it in several armed robberies this morning between 63rd and 66th streets. it's a 2009 black toyota vinza ll and there's a $7,500 reward for information leading to arrest. do pilots rely too heavily on computers in the cockpit? that's what federal investigators want to know and tomorrow the ntsb will hold a public hearing about the asiana plane crash at sfo. three people were killed and hundreds more injured in that july crash. the safety board is expected to look into whether the crew relied on an automated system to manage their air speed. how big of deal is that? here's what aviation expert
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sully sullenberger had to say about it. >> ought makes is becoming a growing -- automation is becoming a growing concern globally in aviation. there are situations you can get into where in certain cases the automation might do something that you don't expect or it might not do something that you expect it to do. that may have been the case here. >> the full investigation is hoped to be finished by next july. tonight we're getting a better idea of how a korean war vet from the bay area wound up detained in north korea. in a statement 85-year-old merrill newman said he didn't understand for the north korean regime the korean war isn't over and that even innocent remarks about the war can cause big problems if you are a foreigner. newman says he was treated well but constantly under guard in his hotel and his interrogator made it clear if he did not cooperate, if he could be sentenced to jail for espionage for 15 years. it. >> attacked a communication system and killed three innocent operators. >> as for this videotaped apology, newman said it was
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fake and he was forced to do it. newman was released saturday after more than a month of detention. a live look at johannesburg, south africa where a memorial for nelson mandela will be getting underway in about two hours. crowds have already started packing the soccer stadium on this rainy day. president obama has arrived for the service. former presidents george w. bush, jimmy carter and bill clinton will all be attending. memorial service for mandel washington d-c. also tonight we'll be introduced to a group of bay area kids who will play a special role in that memorial service for mandela in washington d.c. >> reporter: as beautifully as he sings for oakland pacific boy choir academy, 8th grader aaron sanchez speaks just as beautifully about the moment he found out nelson mandela died. >> a voice of the world has just gone away. we'll never hear it again. >> reporter: the former south
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african president's death four days ago hit especially hard at this school. >> we have a special connection with south africa. >> reporter: the grammy award winning boys choir has traved the world, but it was a trip to south africa in 2009 that 9th grader brendan singer said had the greatest impact. they traveled to nelson mandela's home. >> being in his house, seeing where he stood like where he got all his great ideas of. >> reporter: they learned to sing in zulu. songs that the choir will reprise on thursday when they travel to washington d.c. the south african embassy has invited the boys to sing at the national cathedral to commemorate the life of nelson mandela. >> this is something that transcends performing. >> i can help other people who may still be mourning like uplift them. >> reporter: the boys say they have no fear. they're performing has prepared them well. >> we say heart of fire brain of ice means, you know, sing
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with passion and don't get scared. >> reporter: in oakland kristen ayers, kpix5. >> of course, cbs news will have complete special live coverage of nelson mandela's memorial service in south africa beginning at 1 a.m. tomorrow morning. the fight are you sick of all the b.a.r.t. drama? what happened today that could prevent b.a.r.t. from ever striking again. >> and the fight to keep the feds from paving over one of the prettiest spots in the bay area. >> and evidence that looking at mouth watering photos of your friend's food is actually help you lose weight -- food can actually help you lose weight.
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[woman] you wrapped the... [man] it's nothing but tape... [woman] it's a block. we're havin' a baby! [laughter in background] [woman screams] are we havin' a baby? [ambient crying and laughter] senate republican leader "bob huff" just proposed legislation that would ban public transit workers from
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walking off the that last b.a.r.t. strike could be the last one ever. senate republican leader bob huff just proposed legislation that would ban public transit workers from walking off the job. in a statement huff said shutting down public transit is neither safe, nor fair. the senate will consider that bill next month. s us, a group of it was a david and goliath fight for sure to keep the feds from paving over a slice of bay area paradise, but tonight joe vazquez shows us a group of neighbors are claiming victory. percent of them co >> reporter: as is the case at many bay area landmarks, tourists are overwhelming muir woods and the windy roads are also dangerous as people have to park quite a continuance and walk along narrow shoulders, so the park service came up with a plan building a parking lot around panoramic highway. the neighbors say it's paving paradise to put up a parking
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lot. >> it's time to back off. >> reporter: neighbors spoke up as they did in this public hearing tonight and the national park service told kpix5 late today now the panoramic parking lot is no longer being actively pursued. "we're working with marin county officials to utilize existing park tag sits." >> i'm encourage -- facilities." >> i'm encouraged by the announcement because it tells me they are listening. >> reporter: they want to know about other park service plans or a bus shuttle service and a reservation system like the one on alcatraz that could increase tourist traffic. >> 900,000 people visit muir woods each year. about 80% come by car, but there are only about 150 parking spots close to the entrance. profanity!) a dozen protesto a bizarre google hoax at a san francisco bus stop today. >> i can pay my rent. can you pay your rent? well, then you know what? why don't you go to a city where you can afford it. >> a dozen protesters blocked a
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google bus in san francisco's mission district this morning. they're upset private buses are using muni stops without paying a fine, but the guy yelling doesn't really work at google. he's a union organizer. it was all a stunt that has gone viral. tonight bob orr says a bunch of tech giants has a message for washington. this is for real, stop it. >> in an open letter to the president and congress, google, yahoo and facebook and others says massive surveillance undermines the freedom we all cherish. it's time for a chang. facebook founder mark -- change. facebook founder mark zuckerberg is leading the call for more government restraint. >> it's our government's job to protect all of us and also to protect our freedoms and protect the economy and companies and i think that they did a bad job of balancing those things here of. >> reporter: the companies argue the national security agency is going too far in the bullet collection of phone and internet date -- in the bulk collection of phone and
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internet data, information from classified documents leaked by edward snow deny suggesting the nsa is stealing communications from internet providers by tapping into tables connecting the servers in overseas data centers. in today's letter the tech firm said they are now tightening internal cyber security. we are focused on keeping users' data secure, deploying the latest encryption technology to prevent unauthorized surveillance. the tech firms are also fighting back against surveillance which is authorized. the internet companies say courts too often are compelling them to turn over potentially sensitive customer data. ha video the u.s.-based firms are worried all of this is bad for business. the yahoo chief says massive government snooping has shaken the trust of users. rding to new documen >> today we learned the nsa may have been spying on video gamers searching for terrorists. that's according to new documents that edward snow deny leaked to the guardian -- notice den leaked to the
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guardian -- snowden leaked to the guardian. you think it feels like winter here, we've got nothing on what the rest of the country is dealing with. >> look at this mess. it's a 40 car pileup, icy roads in milwaukee causing major crashes yesterday. no one was hurt incredibly. in texas sheets of ice falling off apartment complex roofs. that was plano, texas. that lands on your car, see you later. damage big time. >> look at this, a massive snowball fight took a wrong turn when this group of students at university of oregon attacked a professor after his car got hit with snowballs, he got out only to be hit in the face with a bucket of snow. one oregon football player has been suspended. now police are looking into filing charges. >> no fun in eugene. >> something to do. >> hit right in the face. speaking of right in your
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face it's like a slap in your face when you head out with this cold weather in the bay area. we had record lows last night and could get a few tonight as well. in some places a little warmer than it was last night, but concord is cooler. nevertheless it seems like tonight will probably be the time we turn it around. santa rosa right now 29 degrees, san jose has 35 and livermore 33. out the door tomorrow morning we'll start with temperatures right around 40 degrees with plenty of sunshine around the bay area. sun won't help too much to push daytime highs much beyond the low 50s. as the low pressure that was over california is now in the ohio valley is causing all the ice and problems back east, for us we'll start with cold temperatures tonight in the 20s. there's freeze warnings posted. they'll probably be posted one more time, tomorrow night, before high pressure builds in and that will push temperatures toward 60 degrees by friday. so we'll edge back to normal 1 or 2 degrees at a time per day.
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near record lows tonight to sum it up, slight warming trend continues, warmer than it was, and we'll be back to near 60 degrees by the weekend. there's some clouds coming in. look at miami, 83 degrees. some clouds coming in toward the weekend in the bay area, but there's nothing in the way of rain coming our way. look at how cold it is across much of the country, nothing but blue from north dakota and down into texas. for us tomorrow we'll be looking for temperatures in the low 50s in the great valley, overnight lows 24 in santa rosa. we'll be down to 21 at fairfield, 26 concord, 25 at livermore. numbers around the bay area, you'll notice temperatures are about 6 degrees below average for this time of year, down in the south bay tomorrow managing 55 at mountain view, 54 at morgan hill, 52 degrees in the east bay tomorrow low to mid- 50s. in the north bay we'll see low 50s, 51 in san rafael and up in santa rosa, 52 degrees. extended forecast, slight
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warming trend, daytime highs continue to build. by saturday we'll be at 61 degrees and by the latter half of the weekend a few clouds, but as far as the eye can see maybe all the way toward christmas not a drop of rain in sight. that's weather. sports after our break. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive.
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people post photos of all kinds of weird things. >> yeah, they do. >> do you have any friends that post photos of things they eat? >> absolutely. a lot of them do. they're the foodies and believe it or not, those instagram pics can help you lose weight. >> it's often referred to as food porn, pictures of desserts made to make your mouth water. look at pictures of foods you love over and over again and you could end up eating less. >> i think it's really interesting because we eat with a lot of senses. >> reporter: boston university professor of nutrition joan blake says the concept needs more study, but the premise is promising.
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>> it seems from the study really interesting that when people look at pictures and they are really looking at the food and almost tasting the food mentally it, can have the impact like they've consumed it already and they decrease the excitement of it when they go to eat it. >> reporter: in the study volunteers who were shown pictures of salty foods like chips and fries ate less of them than those shown photos of sweets. the study's author chalks it up to sensory boredom. you don't want that taste experience anymore, so you move on. >> looking at the picture would not satisfy a craving. >> reporter: no matter how good the food porn, it's not enough to satisfy the skeptics. >> now another study found if you eat the seahawk for lunch, they're still opening their mouth. i'm dennis o'donnell and did he get both feet in bounds? bears and cowboys monday night special next.
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we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years.
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your season is here. you need special ingredients. you need the staples for homemade. you need safeway sugar for just a buck eighty-eight. and that magic thing that makes everyone want another only two ninety-nine for challenge butter. and when hands get messy, quite surely they'll say, yum! wow! yay!
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what a sweeter holiday. safeway. ingredients for life. ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand. he went home, this time as e as a senior in high school steph curry did not get a single offer from a college. tonight he went home as one of the best guards in the nba and he brought his a game.
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his dad played for the old hornets and now does tv for the bobcats and probably had a lot to say for his son who got 43 points. the cats kemba walker scored 50 teen of his 31 in the 4th -- 15 of his 31 in the 4th quarter. watch this one here. walker beats the screen, then goes right through three warriors defenders to the rack. the winner goes to kemba walker and the cats 115-111. the 49ers sent a statement to the seahawks yesterday. it wasn't heard by their cocky defensive back richard sherman. >> no. we didn't predict to be this way. we expected to blow them out of. >> reporter: you thought it it would be a blowout? >> yeah. that's what we expect in these games. >> reporter: michael crabtree's addition? >> didn't make a conference at all. >> gee. crabtree had four catches yesterday, still working his way back into form from a torn achille's tendon and while his foot isn't 100% his mouth is. >> i turned around at one point
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and he turned around, but it's like, you know, what do i got to do to get the ball? and crab is back. crab is back. elected to the baseball hall of fame today, larosa won three world series, one in oakland, two in st. louis. larussa had a six year playing career and had just four more runs batted in than he does championship rings. >> i remember that i played winter ball in escondido for tommy lasorda. he said the only reason you're here you can speak some spanish and help translate. i should have started earlier. jay moore roasted danica patrick at a nascar awards show. here's the top five. >> danica, i hop you're not too uncomfortable tonight -- hope you're not too uncomfortable tonight. i know you're not used to being this close to the front. it's a comedy show.
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>> she did not like that. ken, remember your rejection back in the high school prom? >> no. >> nothing like that reject by gerald henderson. -- rejection by gerald henderson. >> i don't remember high school. >> that explains a lot. look at what the 49er fans want to show seattle fans. bears and cowboys, no. 2, 8-degree weather in chicago. shawn jeffrey, this is a brilliant catch, right? the same guy in the same game tonight 20 five yards scores did he get his feet in there, ken? one, two. >> yes. >> the bears pound the cowboys 45-20, a huge win for chicago. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,
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♪ yeah her gift ♪ i picked it out in a snap ♪ what made it genius ♪ was my camouflage wrap
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customer appreciation month at subway. we're saying thanks with two of your favorite six inch subs. the six-inch cold cut combo, or the six-inch meatball marinara, built fresh from the bread up for just $2 each all december long. subway. eat fresh. ♪ no presents beneath the tree? ♪ ♪ wait a minute, now i see ♪ my gifts are above me ♪ that's my kind of holiday our next new thanks for watching. david letterman is coming up
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next. >> with? >> stephen colbert. >> awesome. our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. i'll see you. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, looking nothing like a duck, david letterman! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs


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